Modern Herma, 2019
CRT monitor, film projector, steel, cement
250cm x 180cm x 150cm
This work uses still photographs to create moving images in two different methods and displays them on the pedestal constructed by outdated analog devices. A Greek god’s statue and a goddess’s statue (Hermes and Aphrodite) are used as images, and Greek mythology and Chinese folklore are combined in the artist’s own narrative. Between reality, legend, desire and information, the work attempts to cross different timelines, characters and spatial positions, describing a kind of relationship that is always present and inseparable, yet forcedly opposed.250cm x 180cm x 150cm
这个作品通过两种方式使用静态照片制作动态影像,并使用过时的模拟电子设备组建的⽯碑上展示。以两个希腊神像(Hermes和Aphrodite)为影像,同时通过艺术家的嘴将希腊神话和中国民俗故事融合在一个叙事中。作品企图穿越不同的时间线,不同的空间位置, 不同的⻆色,在真实与传说间,在欲望和信息间,描述一种,始终存在的,不可拆分却被人为对立的关系。

‘Phase Transition’, West Bund Art Center, Shanghai, 2020